Pasal 3 Kembali ke 5 Langkah At noon they go out Siang harinya mereka pergi ke luar Your browser does not support the audio tag. 91 and take a bus to the city centre. dan naik bis ke pusat kota. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 92 It’s not far from the hotel, Pusat kotanya tidak jauh dari hotel Your browser does not support the audio tag. 93 and it takes only fifteen minutes by bus. dan hanya perlu lima belas menit dengan bis. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 94 On the way they see many interesting things: Di perjalanan mereka melihat banyak hal yang menarik: Your browser does not support the audio tag. 95 a boy and a girl playing with a toy train in the street, seorang anak laki-laki dan seorang anak perempuan sedang bermain kereta mainan di jalan, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 96 an old woman selling fish on a table in an open market square, seorang perempuan tua sedang menjual ikan di atas meja di lapangan pasar, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 97 a police officer sleeping in the sun seorang petugas polisi sedang tiduran berjemur di bawah sinar matahari Your browser does not support the audio tag. 98 beside his bicycle on the green grass, di samping sepedanya di rumput hijau, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 99 a horse standing in the middle of the road, seekor kuda sedang berdiri di tengah jalan, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 100 a cat with a dead mouse in its mouth, seekor kucing dengan seekor tikus mati di mulutnya, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 101 and a beautiful yellow church on top of a high hill. dan sebuah gereja kuning yang indah di puncak bukit yang tinggi. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 102 They thank the driver and get off the bus. Mereka berterima kasih kepada supir dan turun dari bis Your browser does not support the audio tag. 103 Peter has a map of the city. Pak Peter punya peta kota itu. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 104 They walk to the eastern part Mereka berjalan ke sebelah timur Your browser does not support the audio tag. 105 and rest for a while in a small park. dan beristirahat sejenak dalam taman kecil. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 106 They hear birds singing in the trees. Mereka mendengar burung-burung yang sedang bernyanyi di pepohonan. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 107 Peter sees a short young man in black clothes reading a newspaper Pak Peter melihat seorang pemuda pendek berpakaian hitam sedang membaca selembar koran. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 108 The man looks at him and starts talking to him. Pria itu melihat dia dan mulai berbicara kepadanya. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 109 Mr. Y: “Good day. Can I sit and talk with you? Bapak Y: “Selamat siang. Bisakah saya duduk dan berbicara dengan Anda? Your browser does not support the audio tag. 110 My name is Mister Yamaha. Nama saya Bapak Yamaha. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 111 What is your name?” Siapa nama Anda? Your browser does not support the audio tag. 112 Peter: “Hello. I’m Peter Johnson. Pak Peter: “Halo. Saya Peter Johnson. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 113 Where do you come from?” Bapak berasal dari mana?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 114 Mr. Y: "I come from Japan. Bapak Y: “Saya berasal dari Jepang. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 115 How about yourself?” Bagaimana dengan Bapak?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 116 Peter: “I come from England. Pak Peter: ”Saya dari Inggris. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 117 What brings you here?” Apa yang membawa Bapak ke sini? Your browser does not support the audio tag. 118 Mr. Y: "I am here to learn English. Bapak Y: ”Saya di sini untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 119 English is not an easy language. Bahasa Inggris bukanlah bahasa yang mudah. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 120 Bab Berikutnya