Pasal 4 Kembali ke 5 Langkah While Peter talks to Mr. Yamaha, Sementara Pak Peter berbicara dengan Bapak Yamaha, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 141 Helen walks to the post office to send some letters and postcards. Bu Helen berjalan ke kantor pos mengirim beberapa surat dan kartu pos. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 142 Her mother in England loves to receive postcards. Ibunya di Inggris senang jika menerima kartu pos. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 143 Helen feels sad when she hears from someone Bu Helen merasa sedih ketika dia mendengar dari seseorang Your browser does not support the audio tag. 144 that the post office is closed today. bahwa kantor pos tutup hari ini. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 145 She then goes to the bank to get some money Dia kemudian pergi ke bank untuk mengambil sejumlah uang Your browser does not support the audio tag. 146 and to the supermarket to buy some food. dan ke supermarket untuk membeli makanan. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 147 The children walk through the park in the hot sun. Anak-anaknya berjalan melalui taman di bawah terik matahari. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 148 They enjoy looking at the different kinds of local animals and plants. Mereka senang melihat-lihat berjenis-jenis binatang dan tumbuhan lokal. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 149 After a while they get thirsty. Beberapa saat kemudian mereka merasa haus. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 150 Mark: “Let’s get something to drink. Markus: “Mari kita cari minuman. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 151 I’m very thirsty.” Saya sangat haus.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 152 Mary: “I need to go to the toilet. Mary: “Saya mau ke toilet. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 153 I hope there is one nearby.” Saya berharap ada yang dekat”. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 154 Paul: “Look! There is a restaurant over there. Paul: ”Lihat! Ada sebuah restoran di sana. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 155 I’m sure we can use the toilet there Saya yakin kita bisa memakai toiletnya Your browser does not support the audio tag. 156 and buy a drink.” dan membeli minuman.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 157 The sister and brothers run fast to the restaurant, Kakak beradik itu berlari dengan cepat ke restoran itu, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 158 open the door quickly and go in. cepat-cepat membuka pintunya dan masuk ke dalam. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 159 Mary gives the boys some money Mary memberi anak laki-laki-nya uang Your browser does not support the audio tag. 160 and goes to the toilet. dan pergi ke toilet. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 161 The boys buy two bottles of fruit juice Anak-anak laki-laki membeli dua botol jus buah Your browser does not support the audio tag. 162 and take three glasses, dan megambil tiga gelas Your browser does not support the audio tag. 163 so that they can share the drinks. jadi mereka bisa membagi minumannya. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 164 They sit down by a group of young tourists from Mexico. Mereka duduk dekat sekelompok turis muda dari Meksiko. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 165 When Mary comes back, Ketika Mary kembali, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 166 she starts talking to a Mexican girl, Marcela, dia berbicara dengan gadis Meksiko, Marsela, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 167 who is sitting next to her. yang sedang duduk di sebelahnya. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 168 Mary: “Hi, how are you? Mary: “Hi, apa kabarmu? Your browser does not support the audio tag. 169 Are you enjoying yourself here?” Apakah kamu senang berada di sini?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 170 Marcela: “I don’t understand. Marsela: ”Maaf, saya tidak mengerti. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 171 Would you repeat that slowly, please?” Bisakah kamu mengulangnya dengan perlahan?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 172 Mary (speaking slowly): “Oh, I’m sorry. Mary (berbicara dengan perlahan): “Oh, maaf. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 173 Are you enjoying yourself here?” Apakah kamu senang berada di sini?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 174 Marcela: “Yes, I am happy to be here. Marsela: “Ya, saya senang berada di sini. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 175 I like Hawaii very much. Saya sangat menyukai Hawaii. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 176 I like the nice weather.” Saya suka cuacanya yang bagus.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 177 Mary: “You are a big group. Mary: “Kalian kelompok besar. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 178 Where do you come from?” Darimana kalian berasal? Your browser does not support the audio tag. 179 Marcela: “We are a class from a school in Mexico. Marsela: ”Kami satu kelas dari sebuah sekolah di Meksiko. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 180 The school year is finished, Tahun pelajaran sekolah telah selesai Your browser does not support the audio tag. 181 and now we want to have fun together. dan sekarang kami ingin bersenang-senang bersama. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 182 We go on a trip together every year.” Kami pergi tamasya bersama setiap tahun.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 183 Mary: “Really? Would you like to be my guest tomorrow? Mary: ”Benarkah? Maukah kamu menjadi tamu saya besok? Your browser does not support the audio tag. 184 We can do some things together. Kita bisa melakukan beberapa hal bersama. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 185 Maybe we can swim in the swimming pool of our hotel, Mungkin kita bisa berenang di kolam renang hotel kami, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 186 or we can go to the beach.” atau kita dapat pergi ke pantai.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 187 Marcela: “Wonderful! Where shall we meet?” Marcela: “Asyik! Dimana kita akan bertemu?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 188 Mary: “Let’s meet here in this same park in the afternoon.” Mary: “Bertemu di sini saja, di taman yang sama, sore hari.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 189 Marcela: “Great! At what time?” Marsela: ”Baik! Jam berapa?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 190 Mary: “At four o’clock?” Mary: “Jam empat?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 191 Marcela: “Okay. See you then!” Marsela: “Baiklah. Kalau begitu, sampai jumpa!” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 192 Mary: “It was nice talking to you. Mary: “Senang bisa berbicara denganmu. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 193 Bye bye! See you tomorow!” Selamat tinggal! Sampai berjumpa besok!” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 194 Bab Berikutnya