Capítulo 2 Volver Á 5 Pasos Cuando están listos conducen hasta el aeropuerto. When they are ready they drive to the airport. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 33 Su avión sale a las diez de la mañana. Their plane leaves at ten o’clock in the morning. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 34 Tienen que estar sentados en el avión por un largo rato, They have to sit on the plane for a long time, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 35 pero a ellos no les importa. but they don’t mind. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 36 Durante el vuelo, Helena le habla mucho a su marido, Pedro. During the flight, Helen talks a lot to her husband, Peter. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 37 Ellos beben algunas tazas de café They drink a few cups of coffee Your browser does not support the audio tag. 38 y comen un poco de pan con queso y huevo. and eat some bread with cheese and egg. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 39 Los niños beben leche y comen pollo con arroz. The children drink milk and eat chicken and rice. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 40 Después de un viaje muy largo, llegan finalmente a Honolulu, Hawái. After a very long journey they finally arrive in Honolulu, Hawaii. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 41 Ellos toman un taxi hasta su hotel. They take a taxi to their hotel. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 42 Es un edificio grande y blanco It’s a big white building Your browser does not support the audio tag. 43 con un jardín verde lleno de árboles y flores. with a green garden full of trees and flowers. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 44 En el hotel hay muchos turistas There are many tourists in the hotel Your browser does not support the audio tag. 45 que han venido de todo el mundo. who have come from all over the world. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 46 Los Johnson van a sus habitaciones. The Johnsons go to their rooms. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 47 La habitación de los niños tiene tres camas y un baño. The children’s room has three beds and a bathroom. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 48 Desde la ventana uno puede ver la playa y el mar azul. From the window you can see the beach and the blue sea. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 49 La habitación de los padres tiene una pequeña cocina The parents’ room has a small kitchen Your browser does not support the audio tag. 50 y una mesa con cinco sillas. and a table with five chairs. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 51 Marcos tiene hambre y le pregunta a su padre: Mark is hungry and asks his father, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 52 “¿Podemos ir al restaurante a comer?” “Can we go to the restaurant to have lunch?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 53 Pedro piensa que es una buena idea. Peter thinks it’s a good idea. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 54 A Helena le gusta también porque ella no tiene que cocinar. Helen likes it too because she doesn’t have to cook. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 55 Ellos entran al restaurante y se sientan juntos en una esquina. They enter the restaurant and sit together in a corner. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 56 Ellos piden carne y pescado. They order meat and fish. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 57 Ellos dan gracias a Dios por la comida y empiezan a comer. They thank God for the food and begin to eat. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 58 Pedro y Helena disfrutan de un vaso de vino tinto, Peter and Helen enjoy a glass of red wine, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 59 y luego hacen planes para su tiempo especial en Hawái. and then they make plans for their special time in Hawaii. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 60 Pedro: “¿Qué quieres hacer, Helena?” Peter: “What do you want to do, Helen?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 61 Helena: “Yo quiero beber un té afuera por la noche Helen: “I want to drink tea outside in the evening Your browser does not support the audio tag. 62 y leer un buen libro. and read a good book. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 63 Yo también quiero dormir mucho. I also want to sleep a lot. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 64 Yo no quiero levantarme temprano por la mañana I don’t want to wake up early in the morning Your browser does not support the audio tag. 65 porque estoy cansada because I’m tired, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 66 y quiero desayunar en la cama.” and I want breakfast in bed.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 67 Pedro: “¿Qué quieres hacer tú, María?” Peter: “What do you want to do, Mary?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 68 Maria: “Yo quiero ir de compras a un centro comercial grande Mary: “I want to go shopping in a big shopping centre Your browser does not support the audio tag. 69 y comprar un bolso caro.” and buy an expensive bag.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 70 Pedro: “¿Por qué no compras algo barato? Peter: “Why don’t you buy something cheap? Your browser does not support the audio tag. 71 ¿Tienes suficiente dinero para un bolso caro?” Do you have enough money for an expensive bag?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 72 María: “Sí. Yo tengo mucho dinero conmigo. Mary: “Yes. I have a lot of money with me. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 73 También quiero ir a un concierto I also want to go to a concert Your browser does not support the audio tag. 74 y ver bailes hawaianos en uno de los pueblos.” and see Hawaiian dances in one of the villages.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 75 Pedro: “¿A dónde quieres ir, Pablo?” Peter: “Where do you want to go, Paul?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 76 Pablo: “Yo quiero visitar un museo. Paul: “I want to visit a museum. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 77 Si hay un zoologico en Honolulu If there is a zoo in Honolulu, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 78 yo quiero ir allí para ver los animales.” I want to go there to see the animals.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 79 Pedro: “¿Qué te gustaría hacer, Marcos?” Peter: “What would you like to do, Mark?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 80 Marcos: “A mí me gustaría caminar en las montañas, Mark: “I would like to walk in the mountains, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 81 probar el surf e ir a otra isla en barco.” try surfing, and go to another island by ship.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 82 Pedro: “Yo espero que sea posible hacer todo lo que vosotros anheláis.” Peter: “I hope it’s possible to do everything you all desire.” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 83 Pedro llama a la camarera y le dice: Peter calls the waitress over and says, Your browser does not support the audio tag. 84 “¿Puede traernos la cuenta, por favor? “Can we have the bill, please? Your browser does not support the audio tag. 85 ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?” How much does it cost?” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 86 La camarera responde: “Un momento, por favor” The waitress answers, “one moment, please,” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 87 y busca la cuenta. and gets the bill. Your browser does not support the audio tag. 88 Cuando ella regresa, Pedro le da el dinero When she comes back, Peter gives her the money Your browser does not support the audio tag. 89 y dice: “Gracias. La comida estaba deliciosa”. and says, “Thank you. The food was delicious!” Your browser does not support the audio tag. 90 Siguiente Capítulo